- 1. Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Learning
- 2. What does Asynchronous Learning mean?
- 3. Student Growth in Asynchronous Online Environments
- 4. 7 Tips To Create an Effective Asynchronous eLearning Strategy
- 5. Top Advantages of Asynchronous eLearning Infographic
- 6. Building and sustaining community in asynchronous learning networks
- 7. Predicting learning from asynchronous online discussions
- 8. A Framework for Asynchronous Collaborative Learning and Problem Solving
- 9. Emerging Asynchronous Conversation Models
- 10. Discussion about providing asynchronous group training
Last month we published a list of top 10 articles about synchronous learning so it’s about time to take a look at the opposite approach – asynchronous learning. But we do realize that real-time e-learning experience is not always an option. For those of you who don’t want to set time limits for your learners, we harvested 10 must-read articles about asynchronous learning.
1. Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Learning
Where do we start? From the same article we started our list of top 10 articles about synchronous learning. To choose between synchronous and asynchronous learning you first need to understand what they are, what are the main differences, benefits and drawbacks of each method and who should consider them. In our eLearning 101 ebook you will find the basics crucial for further research of the subject.
2. What does Asynchronous Learning mean?
We already know how asynchronous learning model is different from synchronous. This article on the other hand focuses solely on asynchronous learning. If you’re looking for a definition and explanation of the concept, this is definitely where you should look first. Short, concise and rich. That’s exactly how we like it.
3. Student Growth in Asynchronous Online Environments
Elaborate research on asynchronous learning enviroments, learning styles and student’s growth by Caitlin C. Clark. The research, based on Kolb’s Experimental Learning Theory of Development explains the influence of asynchronous learning on students cognitive development and lets educators understand get better understanding and make the best choice of the learning enviroment for both convergent and divergent learners
4. 7 Tips To Create an Effective Asynchronous eLearning Strategy
Christopher Pappas shares his tips on creating the most effective asynchronous eLearning strategy for an eLearning course. This article covers everything you need to know to set your expectations and learning objectives, avoid boredom and lack of engagement, encourage learners activity and monitor the elearning experience.
5. Top Advantages of Asynchronous eLearning Infographic
Still not sure if asynchronous strategy is your best choice? This infographic shows the benefits of implementing offline distance learning model in a really simple way. From budget savings to personalization, those 9 advantages are the most common reason why companies choose asynchronous over synchronous learning. Points of the infographic aren’t really explained but they’re still really easy to understand and base your choice on.
6. Building and sustaining community in asynchronous learning networks
Building a community in asynchronous course is one of the biggest challenges for everyone who decides to implement this learning model. Although the article is from 2001, both the question and solutions are still valid today. Alfred P. Rovai lists factors and shares tips on designing and implementing a course to provide the best enviroment for community growth
7. Predicting learning from asynchronous online discussions
Presented research may not exactly be about asynchronous learning itself but it is a great source to understand the role and impact of discussions in the learning process, especially in case of asynchronous learning strategy. Inferred on questionnaires conducted on students, authors prove that online discussions improve online learning and show concerns that may occur among learners.
8. A Framework for Asynchronous Collaborative Learning and Problem Solving
It’s a well known fact that students’ performance and activity improves when learning in small groups but providing enviroment for those groups may be challenging when students are learning in an asynchronous model. This paper explains how CSCL tools can encourage students to stay active and provides framework for creating an effective asynchronous course with all benefits of real-time learning
9. Emerging Asynchronous Conversation Models
As mentioned above, online discussions are a substantial factor for a succesfull asynchronous course. In his article Tony Karrer briefed his readers about the tools that can be used to support asynchronous conversation and collaboration models like Quora and Talkwheels and what are the best ways of incorporating them into your course.
10. Discussion about providing asynchronous group training
How about a little social learning? As we pointed out above, online discussions are crucial for successfull asynchronous learning so why not learn from discussions instead of just articles? In her post Laura Payette asked for suggestions for providing asynchronous group training and what happened in comments is a perfect example of incorporating online discussions into your course. People in the comments section share their experience and advice, collaborate and solve the problem. After reading all the materials we shared with you, you shouldn’t have any problem joining the discussion and sharing thoughts with Laura. Have fun!