Unlock the benefits of artificial intelligence in training
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Unlock the benefits of artificial intelligence in training

, Former Content Marketing Manager

Integrating robots into daily activities and tasks has long been a subject of science fiction. But things like robot teachers aren’t just a feature of a Jetson’s-like alternative future these days.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has an impact on many industries, and education and training are no exception.

Artificial intelligence in training is significantly transforming employee learning and development. If you’re not already using it, now is the time to start.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how using AI in training programs can improve the learner experience and ways you can use it in your training strategy.

How people use AI at work

Artificial intelligence is not a new concept, and it’s already proving its advantages at work. In the corporate world, people use AI to automate repetitive tasks, analyze data, and make data-driven decisions.

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In our recent survey of workers in the U.S., we found that over a third of workers say AI tools have changed their work responsibilities. They’re using these tools to streamline their tasks in everything from writing content (36%) to analyzing data (33%) to making strategic decisions (19%).

Here are a couple of ways artificial intelligence is improving life at work:

  • Customer support: AI-powered chatbots can schedule meetings, manage emails, and handle customer support. They can help employees find answers to common queries quickly. Solving problems faster helps build stronger customer relationships.
  • Recruitment: AI-based tools can analyze resumes, evaluate candidates’ skills, and predict future job performance. They help reduce hiring biases and make the recruitment process more efficient.

So how about learning and development? How is artificial intelligence in training transforming the learning experience?

What is artificial intelligence in training, and why do we need it?

Artificial intelligence in training means using artificial intelligence technologies, such as machine learning algorithms, or machine learning for training and natural language processing, to improve the learning experience.

Why is it valuable? L&D can create more efficient, effective, and personalized learning with AI. Here are some ways training can benefit from AI:

  • AI-powered tools can tailor learning to employees’ specific needs and abilities.
  • AI can help automate routine tasks like grading assessments and tracking progress. This frees up instructors to focus on more high-value activities, like providing custom feedback and guidance.
  • AI-based training solutions can help organizations reduce training costs and time. At the same time, they can improve the quality and consistency of training materials.
  • AI-based solutions can help organizations stay up-to-date with the latest training trends and technologies. This can help them remain competitive in a rapidly evolving business.

How to use artificial intelligence in training | TalentLMS

4 ways AI can impact and improve training

Artificial intelligence in training has completely transformed the way many people approach education. If you want to take advantage of all it has to offer, you need to know where and how to implement it.

Here are some of the top ways both learners and companies can use AI to enhance the learning experience:

AI-based personalized learning strategies

AI-based learning tools can tailor education to an employee’s learning style, pace, and preferences.

For instance, AI-powered chatbots can give instant feedback to learners. They can answer their queries and suggest new topics for study based on their “conversations.” This type of individual learning can help learners stay engaged and motivated. Both of which lead to better learning outcomes.

Improved content quality

AI-based tools can analyze data to help improve the quality of learning materials. They can help companies analyze the effectiveness of their training materials. They’ll also help them identify gaps and make improvements. More thorough analysis ensures learners receive up-to-date, relevant, and effective training.

Additionally, artificial intelligence in training can help companies design and develop learning materials tailored to learners’ needs. For instance, AI can analyze learners’ behavior and preferences. They can then identify the best format and delivery method for learning materials.

Machine learning tools can also automate tracking and reporting training data. L&D professionals and team managers can more easily watch progress and identify areas for improvement. Having access to this data lets you ensure training meets its intended goals.

Adaptive learning technology

Adaptive learning is another area where AI is proving useful in eLearning. AI-based tools can monitor learners’ progress and identify their strengths and weaknesses. They can then provide unique recommendations for further study.

For example, Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) are AI-powered eLearning tools that offer learners personalized instruction, feedback, and support. These systems can analyze learners’ performance and adjust the level of difficulty, pace, and content to match their needs.

An ITS can analyze a learner’s progress and give them instant feedback. They may suggest improvements and point out errors in real-time. ITS can also analyze learners’ past performance and suggest new topics that are relevant and challenging. This kind of support keeps learners motivated and engaged.

Learner-driven learning

Learners can also use AI-assisted learning outside of formal training. They can use tools to expand their employee development efforts.

For example, they can use study tools like Quizlet. This solution uses AI to generate study and learning sets based on the learner’s progress and performance. These study sets can include flashcards, quizzes, and other interactive learning materials. All of which help reinforce concepts and improve retention.

Another example is the use of speech recognition technology to improve language learning. AI-based language learning apps like Duolingo use speech recognition technology to analyze learners’ pronunciation and provide instant feedback. This interactive and engaging approach helps learners improve their speaking skills.

Training employees on AI tools

You not only benefit by incorporating AI tools into your training process. You can also get better results when you include training content on how to use these tools.

According to our study, 49% of employees report that they need training on how to use AI at work. However, only 14% report that they’ve received any training.

Get your employees up to speed by offering training programs on how to use AI-based tools. Make them part of the employee experience by offering a variety of ways to learn. Programs could include hands-on training sessions, online courses, or certifications.

You could also create a library of resources in your LMS. Give employees access to training materials like instructional videos, user manuals, and knowledge bases. These materials can help employees learn how to use AI-based tools on their own, at their own pace.

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The future of artificial intelligence in training

As AI technology continues to evolve, we expect to see even more innovative AI-based solutions for training and education.

For instance, AI-powered virtual assistants could become more common, providing learners real-time feedback and support. We can also expect to see more AI-powered simulations, games, and other interactive learning tools. All these innovations can make learning more engaging and effective.

Implementing AI-based solutions and providing training on how to use them will ensure you’re ready to adapt to whatever the future holds.

Christina Pavlou - Former Content Marketing Manager

Christina, ex-Content Marketing Manager at Epignosis, focuses on L&D, diversity, and enhancing workplace well-being. Learn how to improve your work environment. More by Christina!

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