Email template: Invitation to compliance training
Instructional Design

Email template: Invitation to compliance training

, Former Content Marketing Manager
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Compliance training may not be the most exciting course in your L&D portfolio. (Ok, it definitely isn’t the most exciting course in your portfolio.) But it’s one of the most important. And it’s this awkward combination that makes it a challenge: How do you persuade your employees to engage with a training program they’ve already decided is going to be dull?

Your compliance training announcement email’s a good place to start.

To help kickstart your comms, we’ve got a compliance training email template all prepped and ready to go, along with some useful do’s and don’ts.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  1. What to include in a compliance training announcement email
  2. How to use your training announcement template
  3. Download your invitation to compliance training email template
  4. How to customize your compliance training announcement email template

What to include in an “Invitation to compliance training” email

Your compliance training email needs to give your learners the means and motivation to engage. Cue our “4 Ws” checklist:

1. “Who”

Centralizing your compliance training announcements so they all come from your HR manager provides consistency and continuity. But this blanket approach doesn’t always maximize impact. Or, demonstrate relevance or authority. Often, it’s a good idea to further drill down and match the type of training with your acknowledged business expert or lead.

Yes, it makes sense for your HR manager to send a training announcement email about a sexual harassment or diversity course. But a compliance course in cybersecurity, or a module on social networking code of conduct? Use your IT and Marketing managers instead.

2. “Why”

Most compliance training is mandatory. So, like it or not, your employees will have to complete it. But that doesn’t mean they’ll have learned from it. To do that, they need to engage in their training.

And this is where your compliance training email template comes in.

Many of your learners will see compliance training as an exercise in ticking boxes. Gently challenge their perceptions by focusing on why compliance training matters to them and to the business. Bring its meaning to life by sharing examples of success. And be specific about the difference it will make on an individual and company level.

Of course, there may also be legal requirements for delivering your compliance training. In which case, use the training announcement email to explain this and share all the necessary information.

3. “What”

We’ve looked at motivation. Now it’s time to tick off the means. What practical information do your learners need to know to access and complete their training?

If it’s a standard or regular compliance training course, the following details should be enough. For example:

  • Course name
  • Deadline/s
  • Format (e.g., in-person or online)
  • How to access and complete the course (new hires, in particular, will need this information)
  • What preparation, if any, is required
  • Whether it’s mandatory or optional

If it’s a new course, add some background information to explain what prompted the new training. Was it new legislation, a change in approach, or a new customer or business development, for example?

Remember, you want to minimize follow-up questions. So, make sure your email is clear and includes all the right information.

4. “When”

The timing of your training announcement email depends on what the training is and who’s it for. If it’s part of the onboarding package for new hires, compliance training should take place during their first few weeks at work.

If it’s company-wide, mandated-by-law training, it will have to meet hard external deadlines. So, send your training invitation email out well in advance to make sure you don’t miss them. If you’ve got an audit coming up, schedule your training so that the information is still fresh in employees’ minds when it takes place.

And finally, a reminder about reminders! Nudge employees who haven’t completed their course yet and prompt participants about a live presentation or workshop that’s coming up.

[Spoiler: We’ve got a “Compliance training reminder” email template set up just for that purpose.]

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How to use your training announcement template

Our compliance training email template acts as a checklist. Use it to make sure you’ve included all the basic practical information in your memo (what your learners need to know.) And to add value and meaning (why your learners should engage with their training).

With the template as a guide, you’ll have both of those done in a flash. And you’ll be itching to press “send.”

But before you do it’s important to review the tone.

The template we’ve produced has, by default, a neutral tone, because there’s no identity or voice behind it (“Sorry, template!”). And, while it’s tempting (i.e., quicker) to leave it as it is, changing the tone to make it yours will make a big difference to how your learners respond.

The tone of your email should reflect your company culture. This will reinforce your branding and provide your learners with a comforting feeling of familiarity. But it also needs to reflect the content and purpose of your email. And getting that balance right can be tricky.

Compliance training is usually mandatory and this message needs to be clearly and assertively delivered. But it doesn’t have to define the tone. With a few small tweaks to wording, you can make this point without terrifying your trainees. Or, compromising your culture.

For example:

✘ Don’t say ✔ Do say
This training is mandatory for everyone. It’s essential that we all complete this training.
The purpose of this training is to make sure everyone complies with regulations/legislation/policies. By completing this training, you can help create a fair/safe/ethical/secure environment for us all.
It’s imperative that everyone understands how to [XYZ]. This training will help us all [XYZ].
All participants must complete this course by [XYZ]. To meet our deadlines, please complete this course by [XYZ].


Looking for more training email templates? Download our free customizable samples:

Download your invitation to compliance training email template

Below are your compliance training announcement email templates. Download and personalize these templates as and when you need to. There are a few options here to cater to the different types of training delivery: in-person, live virtual training, and online. There are also a couple of reminder templates you can use as a follow-up prompt.

Example 1: In-person training

Email subject line: Compliance training invitation: [Name of training course]. Save the date!

Dear [employee name],

We’re hosting a [name of course] [presentation/workshop/seminar] on [date], from [start time] to [end time], and would like you to attend. Please save the date in your calendar. The training will take place [location].

The aim of this training is to [XYZ]. After participating in this [presentation/workshop/seminar], you will have learned how to [skills/knowledge achieved].

It’s essential that we all attend this training session. By doing so, you can help create and maintain a [fair/safe/ethical/compliant/secure] environment for us all.

If you have any special requirements or adjustments, please let me know.

Thank you in advance for your commitment to [XYZ].

I look forward to seeing you there.

[name] [email signature]

Example 2: Live virtual training

Email subject line: Compliance training invitation: [Name of training course]. Save the date!

Dear [employee name],

We’re hosting a [name of course] on [date], from [start time] to [end time], and would like you to attend. Please save the date in your calendar.

The training will take place online. An email with joining details (link and password) will be sent nearer the time.

The aim of this training is to [XYZ]. And by the end of the course, you will have learned how to [skills/knowledge achieved].

It’s essential that we all attend this training session. By doing so, you can help create and maintain a [fair/safe/ethical/compliant/secure] environment for us all.

Thank you in advance for your commitment to [XYZ].

[name] [email signature]

Example 3: Online course

Email subject line: Compliance training invitation: [Name of training course]

Dear [employee name],

You’re invited to complete a [name of training] course. This is an online course and will take approximately [duration] to complete.

The aim of this training is to [XYZ]. And by the end of the course, you will have learned how to [skills/knowledge achieved].

To access the training please go to [link/website] and enter the following details:

  • Username: [username]
  • Password: [password]

To help meet our deadlines, please complete this course by [date].

It’s essential that we all complete this training. By doing so, you can help create and maintain a [fair/safe/ethical/compliant/secure] environment for us all.

Thank you in advance for your commitment to [XYZ].

[name] [signature]

Example 4: Reminder (self-paced learning)

Email subject line: One week to go! Please complete your [name of course] training

Dear [employee name],

The deadline for completing your [name of course] training is [date]. That’s one week from now. This is a final reminder to make sure you’ve finished the course by then.

To access the training go to [link] and log in with [details].

If you need any more information or help please contact [team or individual email].

Thank you in advance for your commitment to [XYZ].


[name] [email signature]

Example 5: Reminder (live training/presentation/workshop)

Email subject line: Three days to go until your [name of course] [training/presentation/workshop]

Dear [employee name],

A friendly reminder that your [name of course] [workshop/presentation/training] takes place this [day], from [start time] to [end time], in [location].

We look forward to seeing you there.

If you have any special requirements or need any adjustments please let me know before [date].

For more information please contact [team or individual email].

Thank you in advance for your commitment to [XYZ].



[email signature]

Download our invitation to compliance training email template.
Fill in the details and reach out to your learners in just a few clicks.
Grab your copy

How to customize your compliance training announcement email template

So, you’ve got the basic template. And you’ve used it to check off all the essential information. Now it’s time to make it yours. How (and how much) you customize it is up to you and will be defined by your company culture and the course you’re running.

But to help you on your way, we’ve included a few examples below. These illustrate two different types of mandatory training: an all-employee training course and a training course just for new hires.

Invitation to compliance training announcement email sample: Self-paced, online learning

Email subject line: Training invitation: Cybersecurity Awareness

Dear Emma,

You are invited to complete a Cybersecurity Awareness course.

This is an online course and will take approximately two hours to complete.

To complete the training:

  • Go to
  • Log in using your company email and password
  • Click on “My Courses” at the top of the screen, then choose “Cybersecurity Awareness”

To help meet our company compliance deadlines, please complete this course by Friday, September 17.

Did you know that the average cost of a malware attack on a company is $2.4 million (and that figure’s growing)? The aim of this training is to protect us all against potentially harmful (and costly) cyberattacks. The course will empower you to quickly identify potential security threats, how they might present themselves, and what procedures to follow when a threat is identified.

Cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated every day. This annual training is so important because what we learned last year won’t necessarily help us this year.

This course has been running for three years now. And every year the number of successful cyberattacks has reduced by 10%. Which is why it’s so important that we all complete this training. By doing so, we can help maintain a secure and compliant environment for ourselves, our colleagues, our business, and our customers.

Thank you in advance for your commitment to helping us do this.

Kerry Jones

Invitation to compliance training announcement email sample: Face-to-face workshop

Email subject line: Training invitation: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. Save the date.

Hello Emma,

As part of our “Compliance Essentials” training package, we’d like you to take part in a “Sexual
Harassment in the Workplace” workshop.

The training will take place in Meeting Room 4 of the Excel Center on Friday 17th September, from 9am to 5pm. Please save the date and details in your calendar.

If you have any special requirements or need any adjustments, please let me know before this date.

Everyone should feel safe and respected at work. And this workshop supports our zero-tolerance policy to harassment and our commitment to providing a harassment-free workplace.

After completing the course you will have a clear understanding of:

  • What is meant by sexual harassment
  • What behaviors constitute sexual harassment
  • What the various categories of harassment are
  • How to prepare for and respond effectively to incidents of harassment
  • How to report incidents of harassment
  • Our “Sexual harassment prevention policy” and the protection it offers

It’s essential that we all attend this workshop. By doing so, we create a safer workplace for us all.

Thank you in advance for helping us achieve this.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Kerry Jones

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Christina Pavlou - Former Content Marketing Manager

Christina, ex-Content Marketing Manager at Epignosis, focuses on L&D, diversity, and enhancing workplace well-being. Learn how to improve your work environment. More by Christina!

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