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Explore key features
Easily sync with tools you use daily
1000+ ready-made courses
Generate courses in a snap
Try the new AI skills feature
Minimize course creation timelines and maximize output. Create in-depth, successful training with a prompt.
How the #1 LMS accelerates success and offers your training real value
Trusted by 70,000+ teams to achieve training success. Ready to create your own story?
Discover what four working generations want from training, how L&D has evolved, and explore 5 key learning trends for 2025.
Meet the team responsible for a 96% satisfaction rate
by John Laskaris, 3 mins to read
by John Laskaris, 5 mins to read
by John Laskaris, 4 mins to read
by Nikos Andriotis, 5 mins to read
Get started it's free!
TalentLMS is free to use for as long as you want! You can always upgrade to a paid plan to get much more!