Introducing TalentLibrary: Online Courses to Launch Your Training
TalentLMS Features & Updates

Introducing TalentLibrary: Online Courses to Launch Your Training

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It’s no secret that successful companies are made up of successful individuals. But how do you help employees achieve success at work?

By providing them with quality training. Sounds simple enough, but how do you even begin to create quality training courses? How do you teach things like leadership, time management, communication, collaboration, and emotional intelligence?

You don’t have to. Let us do it for you.

Allow us to introduce you to TalentLibrary™.


What is TalentLibrary™?

TalentLibrary is a growing library of ready-made courses. The majority of courses in TalentLibrary focus on soft skills, as well as a variety of widely applicable workplace topics.

These courses offer valuable information not only for employees, but for management and top-level executives. They’re relevant to any industry or department. From practical things like, how to avoid workplace accidents, to how to celebrate difference and diversity in your staff, TalentLibrary has something for everyone.


What kind of training courses will you find in TalentLibrary?

The courses in TalentLibrary are grouped into collections. Each course covers a specific topic relating to the collection’s overall theme, and is made up of multiple mini-lessons. Each mini-lesson is a short, animated video, with the whole course lasting about 10 to 15 minutes.

A learning resource is provided at the end of every course to help users reinforce the information covered. Once the user feels like they’ve mastered the material, they can take the quiz that comes at the end of every course, and managers or instructors can see how well they performed. And of course, the lessons can be repeated as many times as the user would like

Some of the collections that are already available in TalentLibrary include:

  • Sales Essentials
  • Customer Service Essentials
  • Workplace Essentials
  • Teamwork Essentials
  • And more!


Some of the courses that are now available include:

  • The Sales Pitch
  • Effective Problem Solving
  • Going Remote
  • The Power of Team Working
  • The Psychology of Learning
  • Keeping Your Data Safe
  • And more!


TalentLibrary will continue to expand its collections and course selection over the coming years, which means you’ll gain access to hundreds of courses. Some of the courses coming soon include:

  • Flexible & Remote Working
  • Well-being & Productivity
  • Effective Meetings
  • Asking the Right Questions
  • The Importance of Goal Setting
  • And more!


Why use TalentLibrary courses?

80% of surveyed companies are struggling to find candidates with soft skills in the market, according to LinkedIn’s 2019 Talent Trends. 56% of employees expressed that they would dedicate more time to learning if they were provided with specific courses by their managers, according to the company’s 2018 Workplace Learning Report.

TalentLibrary aims to help both employers and employees fill in the skills gap for their own personal development, and the development of the company, by providing managers and learners with the ready-made courses they’re looking for.

That meant our team had to ask questions like, why do training initiatives fail, and how can TalentLibrary succeed?

In response to these questions, TalentLibrary adopted a microlearning approach when it came to developing courses. Each course quickly covers important points, and lasts no longer than 15 minutes. The colorful, animated videos produce a memorable learning experience full of funny references and likable characters. And every course is written and reviewed by senior instructional designers who make sure that learning is taking place.


See for yourself with this trailer:


How to get access to TalentLibrary

TalentLibrary is the latest addition to TalentLMS, an award-winning learning management system. With the addition of TalentLibrary, users can now choose relevant courses from the library and assign them directly to employees to complete. By upgrading your subscription plan to include TalentLibrary, you’ll gain full access to the entire library, including any courses and collections that will be added in the future.


I’m new, I don’t have a TalentLMS account

Getting started with TalentLMS is easy and risk-free. Simply sign up for a free account, and try out the platform for as long as you’d like. When you’re ready to upgrade, choose a plan that includes TalentLibrary to gain access to all of these ready-made courses.


TalentLibrary: a brand new way to upskill your people with TalentLMS

Whether you’re looking to teach new skills, or refresh old ones, TalentLMS is the solution to all of your training needs. The platform allows you to create your own company and industry-specific training courses, while simultaneously providing ready-made ones for those soft skills that employers are constantly searching for. As your employees grow and become more successful with training, so will your entire organization.

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