Security and Compliance Audits


No. of mini-lessons4


Duration 10'

No. of mini-lessons 4

Resources Workbook

Course overview

Risk is everywhere. Just by having your morning shower, you risk getting shampoo in your eyes and being temporarily blinded by soapsuds. But it isn’t just humans who are at risk.

Computer networks are also highly vulnerable and susceptible to potential dangers. These include cyberattacks which can result in sensitive data being compromised and breached. Yet, there are ways of reducing and managing serious risks by implementing effective security and compliance audits.

What's covered

What are the differences between security and compliance

What is the importance of audits and why these must be carried out

How to prepare for and conduct effective audits

security compliance audits online training course

Why your teams need this course

If you’re an employer or work for an organization with an IT infrastructure, carrying out security and compliance audits is essential. This course will show you why effective auditing will help preserve the safety of your clients and customers’ data. We know they’re not exactly fun. But without auditing, you’re at risk of suffering a major cybersecurity headache and losing vital business…which is a lot worse than getting shampoo in your eyes.

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