Leadership Styles: Steadiness


No. of mini-lessons4

ResourcesTakeaway Tasks

Duration 10'

No. of mini-lessons 4

Resources Takeaway Tasks

Course overview

It’s exciting when managers and their teams are working on a project. Whether it’s creating a new car or striving to achieve an organization goal, they all work hard and collaborate to get the job done. But with so many opinions flying around, it’s up to managers to keep collaboration at the core of their work. Otherwise, they risk losing stability within their team and undermining their progress.  

Understanding what the steadiness leadership style has to offer will help them see how it could support collaboration within their team. Developing an awareness of the weaknesses as well as the strengths of this approach will allow them to avoid potential drawbacks. And applying the qualities of this leadership style will help them take active steps to make sure everyone works together and has an input. It’ll also allow them to build strong team relationships based on trust.

What's covered

Definition of the steadiness leadership style

The strengths and weaknesses of a steadiness leadership style

Applying the qualities of a steadiness leadership style

Why your teams need this course

This course is perfect for team leaders, new managers, business leaders, and senior executives. They’ll learn what defines a steadiness leadership style. It’ll show them the strengths and weaknesses of this leadership style. And it’ll help them apply the qualities of a steady leader within the organization they work for.