Corporate Governance (UK)


No. of mini-lessons4


Duration 10'

No. of mini-lessons 4

Resources Infographic

Course overview

A corporation has so many moving parts, that no one knows everything that’s happening. Communications and documents are circulating all the time. Each interaction involves people whose mindsets, values, and interests won’t always align. Unfair influences, internal and external, can lead to unfair practices, mistrust, and even corruption.       

By applying good corporate governance, your employees will ensure every business activity stays above board. The CCO plays a key role, but from the board to the employees, everyone models the right culture. Through transparency, accountability, training, and a refusal to compromise on governing policies, the business they work for protects against risks to its reputation and integrity, and stays competitive.

What's covered

What corporate governance is

The principles of the Corporate Governance Code

Good practice for the members of the board

The purpose and responsibility of the committees in corporate governance

Why your teams need this course

Good corporate governance guards a business against conflicts of interest and unethical influences – even from individuals who may try to promote their preferences. This course is for those who work in finance or management at any level. They’ll learn corporate governance and the Corporate Governance Code, and recognize good practices and responsibilities for every role, including the CCO. And they’ll also explore the role and purpose of each committee involved.