Safeguarding and Mental Health in Young People (UK)


No. of mini-lessons4


Duration 10'

No. of mini-lessons 4

Resources Infographic

Course overview

Everyone feels a little low sometimes. But, most of the time, you find a way to get back into a good headspace. For people with mental health issues, resetting often feels impossible, though. And children and young people who experience poor mental health can find it even harder to deal with. 

Employees who work with children and young people, recognising mental health issues and responding correctly is part of safeguarding. But how do they know if a child or young person might be having more than just a bad day, and what do they need to do?

What's covered

Risk factors of mental health problems in children and young adults

Signs of mental health change in children and young adults

Responding appropriately to mental health problems in youth

Why your teams need this course

This course examines mental health issues in children and young adults, and how they link to your employees' safeguarding responsibilities. It’ll look at the risk factors and signs that a young person may be experiencing mental health issues. And, by using the guidance in the course, your employees will be able to react and respond appropriately.