Explore the elements that make up the #1 LMS
Sophisticated and easy-to-use features to support every type of training
Intuitive generative AI to launch comprehensive courses fast
Over 1000 expert-authored skills courses your teams need for success at work
Straightforward integrations for an uninterrupted flow of training
Be among the first to test Skills—AI designed for smarter skills development
Minimize course creation timelines and maximize output. Create in-depth, successful training with a prompt.
Grow your teams’ expertise
Meet success from day one
Comply with confidence
Meet and beat sales targets
Build brand advocates
Establish authentic brand reps
Up to date and ahead of the curve
Adaptable and at the point of need
Cost-effective and roster ready
Empower clients to achieve their goals
Training your learners will buy into
Mission growth—with an NGO discount
How the #1 LMS accelerates success and offers your training real value
Upskilling a global sales team in a hybrid work environment.
Challenging the automotive industry and retail training norms.
Offering engaging training to a remote workforce.
Deploying training to both customers and employees.
Achieving a healthy 90% of new hire training.
Building confidence in salespeople.
70,000+ teams find training success with TalentLMS
How 42 North Dental doubled employee retention & strengthened healthcare compliance.
All the resources you need to support a stellar L&D program in one place.
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Deep dive into eLearning to help you train smarter, not harder.
Research-powered statistics into workplace and eLearning trends, and practical L&D advice.
Your access to the knowledge that powers TalentLMS, centralized.
Explore leadership success strategies with Neena Newberry. Uncover common myths, master impactful feedback, and thrive as a future leader!
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With a TalentLibrary subscription, you get access to all collections and courses
Build stronger relationships within your team and motivate staff by learning how to lead with empathy.
Recognizing when you’ve made a mistake, or are wrong about something is a vitally important skill that every leader should have.
Being a manager may make it more challenging to take care of your health, but failing to do so will affect you and everyone on your team.
Discover helpful tips to make eating healthy in and out of work a daily habit. You’ll feel a boost in your energy and productivity levels.
Understanding and managing your emotions and the emotions of your colleagues is a vital part of maintaining a productive workplace.
Learn about why getting enough sleep is critical for performing well on the job, and how it affects your physical and mental well-being.
Find out how you can create a good work/life balance for yourself, and why doing so will improve your productivity and overall well-being.
Learn how regular exercise helps improve your physical and mental well-being, and can make you more productive and efficient at work.
Knowing how to deal with stress in the workplace will help prevent negative effects on your health, and keep your productivity levels high.
Learn about why taking care of yourself and your well-being is the first step to being happy and productive at work every day.
Bad habits can negatively impact your performance at work, which is why it’s important to learn how to recognize and get rid of them.
Sitting for long periods of time can have serious negative consequences on your health. Learn how to stay active at work.
Promoting health and well-being in the workplace is an essential part of maintaining a staff that is creative and productive.
When you have multiple tasks that need to be done simultaneously, knowing how to get started is the first step in completing the project.
Making a plan is key for completing projects. Learn how to set and assign tasks, and how to streamline processes for maximum productivity.
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