No. of mini-lessons4
Duration 10'
No. of mini-lessons 4
Resources Infographic
The internet holds a wealth of information. Your employees can find almost any information about anything through a quick search. This makes the internet an amazing tool for research, and it’s made healthcare advancements possible in a way like never before. But people don’t always use it with good intentions. If sensitive information gets into the wrong hands, it can cause harm to the patients.
In healthcare, your employees handle a lot of sensitive information about patients and their medical needs. Under HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, Protected Health Information, or PHI, must be guarded carefully by anyone who accesses it. That means making sure that all forms of PHI, including electronic, or ePHI, are protected from cybercrime.
Cybersecurity dangers to PHI and their potential consequences
How HIPAA compliance can be impacted by social media
Best practices around computer safety rules to maintain HIPAA compliance
Employees who work in a HIPAA-covered entity must take steps to keep ePHI protected. This course will explain to them the cyber threats that PHI can face, as well as the problems social media can cause to HIPAA compliance. And by following the advice in this course, they’ll be able to make sure they stay HIPAA-compliant when dealing with patients’ personal information.
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