Leadership Styles: Dominant


No. of mini-lessons4

ResourcesTakeaway Tasks

Duration 10'

No. of mini-lessons 4

Resources Takeaway Tasks

Course overview

Managers know what a win can mean to their team. If that cool new car or project they’re all working on is popular, everyone will feel motivated for the next project. But if it doesn’t go well, the team might feel like all their hard work was for nothing. Then your managers could end up with an unmotivated team. 

Understanding what the dominant-leadership style is will help managers use it to motivate and inspire their team members. This can help them support them, even when things aren’t going according to plan. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of this style will help them use it as effectively as possible. And applying its qualities will make it easier for them to lead assertively and face any challenge head-on.

What's covered

The definition of the dominant-leadership style

The strengths and weaknesses of a dominant-leadership style

The qualities of a dominant-leadership style

Why your teams need this course

This course is perfect for a team leader, new manager, business leader, or senior executive. They’ll learn what makes up a dominant-leadership style. By the end, they’ll know what the strengths and weaknesses of this leadership style are. They’ll also be able to apply dominant-leadership-style qualities.