Lone Working (UK)


No. of mini-lessons4


Duration 10'

No. of mini-lessons 4

Resources Infographic

Course overview

Your employees may find it nice to work on their own. They can get stuck in without distractions. They don’t have to rely on waiting for anyone else to get the job done. And if they don’t feel like chatting with anyone, they don’t have to. But even though it might sound peaceful and beneficial for them to do their best work, lone workers are often more at risk of harm

There aren’t any laws specifically designed for lone working in the UK. But various health and safety legislations require your managers to pay special attention to employees who work on their own. This means putting in place extra measures to make sure they’re safe.

What's covered

Common risks of lone working

Managers’ responsibilities and those of their employees when lone working

Guidance to reduce the risks associated with lone working

Why your teams need this course

The managers of employees who work independently need to understand how to protect them. This course looks at the risks of lone working, including high-risk situations. They’ll also learn about their responsibilities to employees, as well as their responsibilities. And using the guidance in the course, they’ll be able to reduce the risks of lone working.