Managing a Safeguarding Disclosure (UK)


No. of mini-lessons4


Duration 15'

No. of mini-lessons 4

Resources Infographic

Course overview

Knowing someone trusts you enough to tell you personal information feels good. Like when your best friend, or a work colleague, confides in you because they know you’ll support them. But, your employees who work with children, young people, or vulnerable adults, may receive disclosures of sensitive information. And that could be classed as a safeguarding disclosure. 

If a vulnerable person they work with or look after makes a safeguarding disclosure to them, they need to handle it carefully and correctly. But what exactly are safeguarding disclosures, and how do they deal with them? This course will answer those questions.

What's covered

What a safeguarding disclosure is and the different types

How to respond appropriately to a disclosure

How to identify and overcome barriers to disclosure

Why your teams need this course

It is vital for your employees who work with children or vulnerable adults to know how to handle disclosures. This course explains what the different types of safeguarding disclosures are. And by using the advice in the course, they’ll be able to overcome barriers and respond correctly to any disclosures that are made to them.