Responsible Lending and Affordability (UK)


No. of mini-lessons4


Duration 10'

No. of mini-lessons 4

Resources Infographic

Course overview

A customer comes into your employee’s office and asks for a loan. Should they give them one? Clearly, they want to make sure they can trust them to pay it back. So, it’s only sensible for them to check whether they have a good track record. But just because they can pay them back, doesn’t mean they can afford it. 

If your employees are going to lend responsibly, they need to understand the difference between creditworthiness, affordability, and sustainability. When they assess creditworthiness, for example, they need to factor in how often they’ve paid on time. Fortunately, this course can help them make sure that they don’t put anybody in unnecessary hardship.

What's covered

Definition of creditworthiness, affordability, and sustainability

The factors to be considered when assessing creditworthiness

Measures to avoid unfair business practices

Why your teams need this course

Anybody involved in lending money will benefit from this course. They need to consider whether they’re lending to someone who can meet repayments. So this course will walk them through the difference between creditworthiness, affordability, and sustainability. It’ll detail what to factor into their risk profile. And they’ll learn how to make sure they’re being as fair as possible to their customer.