Safeguarding for Adults (UK)


No. of mini-lessons4


Duration 15'

No. of mini-lessons 4

Resources Infographic

Course overview

Adult life is fast-paced, right? Your employees don’t often get the chance to stop and think about how amazing being a human is. Like the way they grow, learn, communicate, and feel emotions. And every human has rights, from the moment they’re born, until the end of their life. But sadly, vulnerable adults aren’t always allowed their basic human rights, and they can be subjected to abuse.  

The UK has legislation designed to safeguard vulnerable adults, for example, someone suffering from dementia, or mental health issues. To comply, anyone working with or looking after adults with vulnerabilities must take steps to protect them from harm.

What's covered

Definition of adult safeguarding and who is at higher risk

Common types of adult abuse, and signs to look out for

The appropriate action if you believe an adult is in harm or at risk of it

Why your teams need this course

Your employees working with vulnerable adults need to stay vigilant for the signs of abuse and know how to deal with it. This course will explain to them adult safeguarding, who is at risk of abuse, common types of abuse, and the signs to look out for. It’ll also give them advice about the action to take if they suspect an adult is at risk, or the victim of harm.