Safeguarding for Children (UK)


No. of mini-lessons4


Duration 10'

No. of mini-lessons 4

Resources Infographic

Course overview

Children are amazing. The way they grow, learn new skills, and develop individual personalities and talents is fascinating. And for your employees working with them is incredibly rewarding. While they’re watching them flourish, it’s easy to forget that some children face deliberate acts of harm and abuse. But sadly, it does happen.

Safeguarding in the UK centers around taking steps to protect children from harm, so they’re able to achieve their best possible outcomes. But what harm could children face, and what do your employees need to do to keep them safe?

What's covered

What safeguarding is, and its relevant legislation

Common types of abuse and signs to look for

Tips to create a safeguarding policy

Why your teams need this course

Employees who work with children in any capacity are responsible for protecting them from harm. This course will look at the UK legislation relating to safeguarding children, and warning signs that children may be experiencing abuse. It’ll also give your employees best-practice advice for creating, and following, a safeguarding policy.