7 Tips To Create Memorable Online Training Courses
Instructional Design

7 Tips To Create Memorable Online Training Courses

, Founder of eLearning Industry Inc
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Your organization spends a significant amount of time and money on employee development, but is it really worth the investment? Do your corporate learners actually remember the information and skills they’ll need on the job? In this article, we’ll share 7 tips for creating memorable online training courses.

How To Create Memorable Online Training Courses

Online training experiences are only effective if they are worth remembering. Corporate learners have to deal with busy schedules, distractions, and a variety of other issues that hinder knowledge retention. However, you have the power to create memorable online training experiences that leave a lasting impact on your employees. By doing so, you improve your online training ROI, increase employee productivity, and further the success of your organization.

1. Create A Spaced Online Training Strategy

Hermann Ebbinghaus introduced “the forgetting curve” in 1885, which suggests that learners tend to forget information right after they acquire it. In fact, according to Ebbinghaus, roughly two-thirds of the information has vanished into thin air by the next day.

However, you can outsmart the forgetting curve by spacing your online training over time. For example, employees participate in a customer service branching scenario, they proceed to another learning objective, and then, they come back to the previous one, by watching a customer-service related eLearning video that covers the same topic. Later in the online training course, they are asked to complete a customer service skills assessment to reinforce the ideas and concepts.

Every online training activity increases knowledge retention and moves the information to their long-term memory.

2. Make It Practical And Personal

The secret to remembering skills and tasks is being actively engaged in the online training process. One of the most effective ways to increase employee engagement is to make the online training experience personal and practical.

Learners need to know that there is real value in what they’re learning and that every online training module and activity is custom tailored for them.

For instance, a member of your IT department is more likely to participate in a troubleshooting online training simulation than a sales branching scenario. Your corporate learners are looking for targeted skills they’ll need in the workplace, not necessarily a “well-rounded” education.

3. Use Analogies And Real-World Examples

Analogies and real-world examples involve a mental schema. Employees must relate new ideas to preexisting knowledge in order to strengthen this schema, which leads to greater knowledge retention.

Analogies help them see the similarities between two related concepts, while real-world examples tie into past experiences and cognitions. These learning tools also help to simplify complex ideas, as corporate learners are able to build on the foundation of a mental schema that they already have. In other words, they don’t have to start from scratch.

4. Add A Serious Game Changer

Most people find it difficult to remember difficult concepts after they’ve completed their online training. However, these same individuals are likely to remember the emotionally compelling game they played the year before.

eLearning games are entertaining, exciting, and engaging. They allow employees to build skills and master tasks without even realizing they are learning. There are two different routes to take: serious games and gamification.

Serious games are similar to typical games, but offer some sort of educational value. Gamification is the process of adding game mechanics to your existing online training course design. For example, employees earn badges or points every time they complete an online training module.

Great online gaming experience is going to stick with them, as is the information contained within it.

5. Incorporate eLearning Character-Driven Stories

Long after we forget what the story is about or even who wrote it, we’re still able to recall every detail of our favorite eLearning characters. It’s important to have a well-crafted plot, but eLearning character development should be your main focus.

Incorporate eLearning character-driven tales into your online training course design to form a deeper connection with your corporate learners.

Make them feel for the eLearning characters and sympathize with their struggle. Include realistic elements that corporate learners can relate to, such as situations or obstacles they encounter on a daily basis. Include a good mix of intrigue and excitement to grab their attention.

You may even consider hiring a professional writer to pen the story for you, or make it even more powerful by turning it into a narrated video for online training purposes with images and background music.

6. Pluck At Their Heart Strings

Since we’re on the subject of music, a great eLearning soundtrack is one of the most effective ways to create memorable online training courses. Choose background tracks that convey the right mood. Add music to your online training simulations and scenarios to increase immersion. Figure out which emotion you are trying to evoke and then look for royalty-free tracks online. There are even a variety of sites that offer free music for your online training course.

Just make sure that you use sound sparingly, as too much of a good thing can distract your employees.

7. Catch Their Eye

Which are you more likely to remember: a text-based online training course that features bland colors, or a dynamic online training course that includes vivid imagery and vibrant hues? Chances are, your answer is the latter.

Online training courses that boast a rich color scheme, graphics, charts, and compelling images are always more memorable.

This is primarily due to the fact that they create an interactive and immersive online training atmosphere. On the other hand, you should avoid colors that are too bright or bold and cluttered page layouts. Only include visuals that are relevant and stick to a pallet of 3 or 4 colors. The training goal is to make them remember the content, not to distract them with a busy course design.

Is your online training course truly memorable? Or are employees going to forget the key takeaways the second they step away from the screen? Use these 7 tips to develop corporate eLearning courses that stay with them for years to come, even if you are working on a tight eLearning budget.

Are you searching for ways to make your new hire online training more effective?

Read the article 6 Tips To Create Online Onboarding Training Experiences That Stick to discover 6 tips for creating onboarding online training experiences that stick and ensure that your new employees are thrilled to join your company.

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Christopher Pappas - Founder of eLearning Industry Inc

Christopher Pappas is the Founder of eLearning Industry Inc, which is the leading publishing platform that delivers inspiring, industry-specific content to eLearning professionals.

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